La culture du faux (PRESS F5)
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:37 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Disgorge Mexico
Song Author
Mel Mongeon
File Size
40 KB
Wait. This is on a grindcore album. Why do we have a
stupidly catchy hard rock song on here?
And that is why Disgorge Mexico is a seriously amazing
and diverse album. Buy it. Incidentally, I left my
abortive attempt at *that* drum fill at the end. DId
half of it, couldn't figure out the rest, gave up half way
through, left it as it is.Feel free to ignore it; if anyone
thinks they've figured out the timing to it (god knows I
haven't), send us a PM, and I'll put it in and credit you.